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We Hear You. We Believe You. (Madera Group client)

Dear Peter,

I was so moved by the Common Threads Project's virtual exhibit of the remarkable story cloths stitched by survivors in their healing circles that I wanted to share it with you. The work Common Threads Project (CTP) is doing with women and girls around the world is profound and powerful.

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All my best,


To help women heal from the enduring psychological effects of sexual and gender-based violence we need to hear their voices. Survivors stitching together is not only a central aspect of our trauma therapy process, but also a way for women to break their silence.

To raise awareness and be a part of their healing process we gathered twenty-two story cloths made by women from Bosnia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador and Nepal into a virtual exhibit. Their intricate textiles speak with a power greater than words. We invite you to affirm their hopes by bearing witness.

With gratitude,

Rachel A. Cohen, Ph.D.
Founder and Executive Director
Common Threads Project

P.S. To learn more about our work and follow the women on their journey towards healing sign up for our quarterly newsletter here.