Hi! I'm a seasoned wordsmith with an extensive background as both a freelancer and an on-staff writer. My projects are as varied as my interests and passions and include work for both nonprofit and for-profit organizations. Freelance writing clients include a food bank, a mental health practice, a University in Spain, a website catering to job seekers, a start-up focusing on school reform, and a private writers' retreat, among others. I've written email fundraising campaigns, donor cultivation letters, marketing collateral (print and online), e-newsletters, blog posts, and website content.
I'm also an educator and founder of "Take My Word For It!” an organization that brought the adventure of writing to elementary and middle school kids for thirteen years. We served thousands of students in the San Francisco Bay area, Boston, and northern Virginia. I also teach adult creative writing classes privately, as well as in community college programs.
I enjoy galavanting around in my imagination with pencil and paper in hand, and am currently at work on a memoir.